Britt's Place

Just a place for me to work Ex out of my system.

Thursday, September 30

An Excellent Legal Argument

I just had a phone conversation with a new friend, someone I actually got to know through Ex. She's a lawyer. She told me that when they had dinner, all he talked about was Her (which I will definitely write a post about).

Anyway, I told my new friend about how I found out about Her (SEE Once Upon a Time...) and she brought up a point that made me feel better. She said there are different levels of wrongs. That's why there are misdemeanors and felonies. Yes, going through someone's email is wrong, but not respecting someone enough to end a relationship before starting another one is a lot worse. I need to not beat myself up over that.

If a lawyer says so, then it can't be that bad, right? I'm kidding.

I'm still not proud of myself, but I'm thinking...if I'm ever in a situation again where I can't trust what I've been told, then I will walk away before doing something to shame myself.


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