Britt's Place

Just a place for me to work Ex out of my system.

Monday, September 27

Dumb Dreams and Moments of Weakness

I dreamt of him last night. Actually, I had a dream and he was in it.

You know those dreams where you wake up and do things that you would normally do if you actually woke up? I had one of those. I fell asleep on the couch and dreamt that I woke up, cleaned up and went to the bed. Unfortunately, Ex was there, waiting for me. He did the thing that he would always matter how asleep he was, he would lean over and kiss me good night.

I woke up at 4:00am and realized none of that had happened.

I hate times like these because they remind me that I am not 100% okay. When I'm awake, I call these times Moments of Weakness. They are the times that I want to call him (and sometimes do), when my body misses his presence next to me. I guess I need to not beat myself up so much.

I just want to hurry up and be all right.


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