Britt's Place

Just a place for me to work Ex out of my system.

Saturday, September 11

To Be an Asshole or Not To Be an Asshole

...that's the question, isn't it?

My good friend says that Ex is an asshole, hands down. The fact that he made Her a factor in this break-up puts him in that category. I do not disagree.

But does his tacky, trifling, hurtful, cowardly behavior wipe out a year and a half of a predominantly loving relationship?

Ex has apologized for his horrific timing with Her. He has tried to be sensitive to what I'm going through. And when I went to the ER, he was there for me 100%. Not an asshole.

Ex went away with Her less than a month after the break-up...while I was still living in the apartment with him. An asshole.

Another friend, who recently ended her 1 1/2-year relationship has shed no tears. Her philosophy is that no energy should be spent on a man who doesn't treat you well. In other words, an asshole. That would be Ex.

And what does that say about me? I never thought of myself as the type of woman who would love an asshole...yet according to the logic above, I do. So if I'm not that type of woman, then Ex isn't an asshole. Just a confused, idiotic man.

Am I just defending him? He has hurt me really badly. Ex and I built something real. He couldn't handle it and bailed into the arms of another woman. That's a pretty crappy thing to do. Definitely the sign of an asshole.

And what's the point of this debate anyway? It doesn't change the fact that it's over.


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