Britt's Place

Just a place for me to work Ex out of my system.

Saturday, October 2

Can't Sleep

I started writing this post an hour ago all about how I can't sleep and how it's probably because Ex came over tonight to pick up his mail. I haven't seen him in about three weeks and we barely spoke to each other because we had gotten into yet another phone/email argument earlier in the day.

The one good thing for me that came out of it was that I told him that I never felt he emotionally had my back. That he could truly handle me on an emotional level. He called that "a low blow," but I'm glad I finally said that in a clear and straight-forward way.

This post was all ranting and raving about how clueless and delusional he is, but there was some sort of internal error with Blogger, so I lost it all.

Now that everything's working on this site all right, I no longer have the urge to rant and rave. It's just becoming apparently clear that he doesn't know/understand/respect/honor me, and it's very clear that I don't know him.

I just need to leave this apartment. Just move out of this house and cut my ties with Ex.


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