Britt's Place

Just a place for me to work Ex out of my system.

Friday, October 8

A New Friend

I came to an epiphany today. I am in no position to meet any new male. I thought I would be able to, I thought it would make me feel good. But I just don't have any energy to be anything other than myself. And I'm afraid that being myself right now around a new male is to be a little loopy.

There is a man I met over a month ago at an open house in New Jersey, right in the thick of things with Ex. He was extremely nice and sweet and we spent a lovely Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn. I met him for drinks one other time, but I felt awkward and forced.

He's called me twice already this week, and I can't call him back. I was wondering why and I realized that I'm not ready to trust anyone new. I can flirt with an old friend, but I can't go on a date.


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